VSMM Pricing

Viral Social Media Marketing


Packages Guaranteed Hits Per 180 Days Est. Visits Per 180 Days Est. Cost Per Visit Cost Per Month
VSMM 30 30,000 3,882 $0.42 $329
VSMM 45 45,000 5,823 $0.40 $499
VSMM 60 60,000 7,763 $0.38 $749
Custom Population Target 15,000 to 1,000,000  1,941 to 129,400  As low as $0.12 $ Per Population
Packages (cont.) PPC Avg Cost Per Visit Savings Vs PPC Est. Cost of PPC Over 6 Months Savings Over 6 Months
VSMM 30 $3.00 7.2x Less Expensive $11,646 $10,032
VSMM 45 $3.00 7.5x Less Expensive $17,469 $15,135
VSMM 60 $3.00 7.8x Less Expensive $23,289 $20,295
National Accounts Start at $499 and Target 20 Million Users
Users Targeted Cost/Month Cost Per 1000 Users
             20,000,000  $           499  $                      0.025
             35,000,000  $           749  $                      0.021
             50,000,000  $           998  $                      0.020
             65,000,000  $       1,248  $                      0.019
             85,000,000  $       1,497  $                      0.018
           100,000,000  $       1,747  $                      0.017
           125,000,000  $       1,996  $                      0.016
           150,000,000  $       2,246  $                      0.015
           200,000,000  $       2,495  $                      0.012
           250,000,000  $       2,745  $                      0.011
           300,000,000  $       2,994  $                      0.010

* Set-up Fee For All Social Media Accounts – $199
** Set-up of AwStats Traffic Tracking Required